Saturday, January 17, 2015

A Sunday Kind of Love

I was watching a movie the other day and Etta James' classic song "A Sunday Kind of Love" was featured.  I have always loved this song.  However, it made me think...what is a Sunday kind of love?
Sundays are sacred in our house.  I have always loved them and they are probably my favorite day of the week.  Even as a child, Sundays meant peace, no schedule, freedom and comfort.  And, they always ended with a lovely meal- mostly pasta and meatballs.  Hey, we are Italian!

Anyway, a Sunday kind of love got me thinking- what characterizes the other kinds of love on the other days of the week?  Etta never addresses this question in her timeless tune.  Etta, what is a Monday kind of love?  I wish I could ask her.  It looks like I am left to my own devices, so here they are- my interpretations of the types of love representing each day of the week:

Monday:  "A Dreary Kind of Love"

Mondays are the worst.  I mean, really?  Does anyone look forward to Mondays?  I would lay in my bed on Sunday nights and think what kind of major disease can I think up to get me out of school tomorrow?  So, a Monday kind of love???  I think it's dreadful.  The kind of love that is forboding- the one that no one in their right mind looks forward to.  Some optimists might think a Monday kind of love could signify a beginning; a hopeful kind of love.  Nope.  Like the Carpenters song, a Monday kind of love will "always get me down".

Tuesday:  "A Meatloaf and Potatoes Kind of Love"

Now, don't get me wrong.  I love meatloaf and potatoes.  And yes, they are comfort foods.  But, meatloaf and potatoes are well known for being a mundane sort of dish.  Everyday fare.  So, a Meatloaf and Potatoes Kind of Love would be just OK- no spark, no life.  Ordinary.

Wednesday:  "A It's Half Over Kind of Love"

What do you think of when you hear Wednesday?  I think of the week is half over!!  Wednesdays are the day when you breath a sign of half-relief; I got through something to get to something better.  We're almost through with the week.  On Wednesday, you are always looking ahead- looking beyond the week at hand.  So, a Wednesday kind of love is one of waiting.  You are waiting for something better to come along.

Thursday:  "An Almost Blissful Kind of Love"

It's Thursday.  You're almost there!  The week is almost over, but bliss eludes you.  It is still two days away!  I think a Thursday kind of love is one of reaching and hoping for that perfect bliss.

Friday:  "A Fleeting Kind of Love"

Fridays are fleeting.  You are so excited it's Friday that the day just kind of flies by.  Friday is a pausing point for Saturday's joy.  A Friday kind of love is fun, and certainly a relief.  But, it's still a rushed version of love.  Let's get this over with for Saturday to arrive.

Saturday: "An Impetus Kind of Love"

Saturday night's alright for a fight, so says Elton John.  Saturdays are wild and full of abandon.  However, they often leave you with bags under your eyes wondering just what the hell happened.  A Saturday kind of love is a flash of light, then bewilderment.  Saturdays are thrilling, but leave you lonely.

Ah, but Sunday...

A Sunday kind of love is different from all of the rest.  It is comfortable, fun, and easy with a sense of deep belonging.  Sundays are filled with warmth, no obligations and a rejuvenation of your spirit.  It is the day where you sink into that warm pool of good prose; enveloped in words you wish you had written.  Sunday is home.  

If you have lived a long time, you have probably experienced one or more of these types of love.  In fact, relationships that last a long time can certainly fluctuate between types.  There are days where you definitely have that Tuesday kind of love and you wish for the days when you had that Saturday kind of love from the past.  However, if your days of Sunday kind of love outnumber the rest, you are a lucky person.

On a side note- I want to thank my husband, Mark, for our Sunday kind of love.  I love you!

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